

What should I do if I forgot my password?
You are able to reset your password by clicking the "Lost Password" link on the login page, and please completed your security questions.

What should I do if I forgot my username?
For staff account you can contact IT Support, and for student account you can contact academic registry staff

How do I change my account password?
You are able to change your password by clicking the "Change Password" link on the right side panel of SSO portal page

Why do I have to change my password?
You must change your password in order to ensure the secureness of your account. If your password were not changed on a regular basis, your familiarity with your password would eventually lead to it's compromise

What is the minimum requirement of my password?
Your account passwords must be at least 7 characters long. They can include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, or symbols (ex: : ! " # $ % &  ( ) * + , - . / : < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ~ )